Sharon Pomerantz
JP Morgan Chase
Intern Manager

Tracy Fleischman


Sharon: My name is Sharon Pomerantz. I’m currently going to be 33 years old. I’m from Brooklyn New York um white, uh female. Um right before uh the 9/11 attacks had happened, I was in the office early, about 7:15, 7:30, just having breakfast and just catch up on some work. My job then was what I do now which is uh SmartStart Program Manager um at JP Morgan Chase um managing interns and I worked on the uh twenty seventh floor.

Tracy: Where were you on the morning of September 11th?


Sharon: I was at work and I was at One Chase Plaza on the twenty-seventh floor which is only about um, two, two to three blocks away from the World Trade Center.


Tracy: When the attacks occurred, did you know what you and colleagues would need to do for a response in case of emergency?


Sharon: Um, not really. When I was there in the morning there was only one other person on my floor and actually when I heard the first, I guess, what would have been the first airplane hit, my building shook, but I’m very used to like big trucks passing by and our building shakes from that, so I really didn't think anything of it and I just continued doing my work. Um, and the one person who was on my floor had gone down and came up and had heard what had happened. So in the midst between the first plane hitting and the second, uh it was just a couple of us and we just, we figured the first thing to do was just get downstairs. So there was really no um, announcements or anything at that point yet.


Tracy: Did you feel anything was out of the ordinary on the morning of September 11th upon entering into Manhattan?


Sharon: No, just a regular morning, at least for me it was (laugh).


Tracy: Once the attacks happened did you keep your composure? Did you panic?


Sharon: Um, because of the fact we didn’t because our build, the buildings are so high and you can't see what’s going on, one of our colleagues came back and had seen it and so she told us what happened. So we were already downstairs in the lobby of Chase Plaza they weren't letting people out, but we had a lot of people coming in. Um, and uh, just things flying around and stuff outside. Um, I didn't panic yet. We were just trying to figure out like after the two planes had already hit the building, what we were going to do next. You know the first thing we were all trying to do was call our spouses and things like that, but of course we were having trouble getting through.


Tracy: Did you speak to anyone else in the firm that day once the attacks happened?


Sharon: Just the um, the people uh, within my immediate department. We all finally gathered, we found each other in the lobby. I guess some were still in the cafeteria, others went outside to look at what happened, but there was about, I would probably say about seven of us that finally kind of grouped together. We just stayed in the lobby. We were trying to get some information from security um, you know, we didn't really move too fast yet cause we really didn't know what to do.


Tracy: It has been four years since the September 11, 2001 and during that time many people were saying how these attacks would change everything. What has changed for you? Do you conduct your daily life differently since the attacks?


Sharon: Um, I think in the first two weeks that it happened it was definitely um, very nerve racking. Um, I was out of work for the rest of that week that it happened so I was home. Um, I was really just very depressed then the week after when I went back to work um, we had gone to a backup area for two weeks until our building was up to par. And I remember just from those couple weeks I was just very nervous getting on the train. I just kinda felt like you know, I’m just  going to go like I usually do. But you know, it was just very quiet on the train, it wasn't the way it usually was. Um, I mean between uh, but since then it’s definitely come back to normal. You know when I’m on the train its just you know, usual business and everyone’s talking and things like that. I think I just get a little nervous here and there when you get on the news any terror threats and then especially there was one a few months ago to the subway system.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: So I just get a little nervous about that and I have uh, you know, it’s sad, but funny, but I tell my husband that you know, God forbid, if anything happens he knows what train I take and if I don't come home and they say something happened, you know to kinda just assume. It's a sad thing, but this is what…


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: our life has come to.


Tracy: What was the first thing you thought then did when you heard the news that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center?


Sharon: Um, when we were in the lobby we realized what had happened. I was, we all were a little bit shaken up and we didn't know what to do. We were first just first trying to call family uh. I, I couldn't get in touch with my husband who also worked Downtown um, but I got through to my father and he had actually gotten in touch with my husband and we were just trying to explain you know, people who weren’t there didn’t understand and we were just trying to let them know that we would get home as soon as we can. Um, we were, until we actually saw the buildings collapse um, you know, I was just, we were just anticipating we were gonna walk over the bridge and go home and then the buildings collapsed and that's when we all kinda went into panic and I guess the first thing I thought was oh my God, I'm probably not going to be out of here.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: You know because especially when your Downtown you can't really tell, unless you’re looking from atop, that the buildings were falling down, straight down versus when we, we when they started to fall, we thought they were coming sideways like toward us…


Tracy: Right, right.


Sharon: cause we saw the big cloud.


Tracy: Right. Did you see the planes flying low? Or hear the planes hit the building? If so, how did you feel? What were you thinking at that time?


Sharon: I heard nothing, no planes and like I said before the only thing when the planes hit was when I was inside my building was I heard, my building shook but again for some reason, you know, we didn't think anything of it right away for those of us on our floor cause it was normal for big trucks to pass by our building.


Tracy: Were any of your family members Downtown? You were saying your husband was.


Sharon: Yeah, my husband was working at that time for um, the Housing Department, he was an investigator. He actually worked right near Pace University, um, right near the bridge. Um, and I could not get in touch with him for the life of me, um, until, until we finally, until a few hours later when we were able to get out of our building. So it was definitely very nerve racking.


Tracy: How did you get in touch with him? How long did it take?


Sharon: Um, well as far as any family, my father I actually spoke to twice while I was still in my building and I was trying to explain to him that I was for that point, we were trapped in there that they weren't letting anybody out. They had actually locked all the doors to Chase Plaza. They weren't letting anybody come in and no one leaving until they had gotten the okay. So we were actually in our building until probably about ten-thirty to eleven in the morning until they let us go. Um, and I still couldn't get in touch with my husband and I guess the one thing I’ll never forget about that day is his building is right next to the bridge so when I went up the ramp to the bridge, um, you know at that point I had already spoken with my Dad so he told me he would try to get in touch with him for me because for some reason he was able to contact him. But when I was walking up to the bridge, I just you know, decided to take a fast look at the door to his building and you know, there’s a couple of them but the door I was passing by and it was very weird, right when I turned the door was opening and it was him.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: Cause he’s on, because he was an investigator of security for his business at that point, so he had to stay and he was checking everything and when I saw him I screamed from the bridge and he saw me and it was funny what he said to me "I’m gonna be home a little late today." But it was just really comfortable for us that we both saw each other and knew we were okay.


Tracy: Being that there must have been a lot of chaos, how did you manage to get out of one Chase Plaza? And how did you manage this safely?


Sharon: Oh, it was very chaotic um, when the buildings went down from the plane um. There were still no announcements yet and so we all, we were standing originally in the lobby and we just all ran when we saw the cloud and I actually got pushed into an elevator bank and, and my colleague at the time Camille Torres pulled me out because that's the worst place you can get stuck. Um, the people were just trampling over each other just because we didn't know what was happening and then finally when it settled, you couldn't even see out of the windows in the building it was all black and then at that point there were security guards all over telling us we had to go downstairs. Um, so we were all directed and it wasn't too chaotic, people did really well, they listened and they sent us all the way down to where the cafeteria was which is um, below ground. Um, and they just, they weren't giving us updates right away so we were just sitting there waiting but they were handing out water and just things like that, you know, until they had information.


Tracy: Right. Did you personally lose any friends or family in the attacks?


Sharon: Um no, I didn’t um, didn't luckily thank God I didn't lose anybody. Um, I do, I do have a couple of my friends that lost um, someone lost a cousin and I have a couple of people I know that actually knew people within the towers but they did get out. Um, and we had a colleague of ours that lost his brother in the uh, in the attack.


Tracy: Hmm, how did you react when you heard of the attacks, like what actually happened? Like after all the chaos?


Sharon: Um, I didn't get home that day until probably dinner time because um, we walked over the bridge and because of the chaos we had to wait for someone to pick us up at somebody else’s house. So until I finally got home with the debris all over me and had to buy slippers on the way because I had blisters all over my feet, um, I finally kind of like sat down and watched the news a little bit that night and I just, I just I don't think it was still penetrating cause I, I just think cause I went, cause I was down there and it was just, I was definitely um, in an like odd state for the first couple of days like depressed and just like kinda like in shock that this happened.


Tracy: Right. How long did it actually take you to get out of One Chase Plaza?


Sharon: Um, well it happened, I mean the first planes hit I think before nine o’clock,


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: We, we didn't get out of the building until about eleven. So um, I guess it could have been worse, um, uh, but even a couple of hours seemed like a long time because a lot of us wanted to try to get out sooner um, but because they didn't know what was around us yet they really didn't feel safe. So we finally got out of the building about eleven and then slowly walked toward the bridge.


Tracy: How long did it take you to get home like from the time you left until the time you actually reached?


Sharon: Urn, I didn't get home until about dinner time. What happened was we uh, we walked over the bridge, we actually stopped off at our other facilities that Chase has Metrotech in Brooklyn.


Tracy: mm hum


Sharon: Um, so we stopped off there, they had a medical. They gave us water and everything. It was actually really surreal because there were people outside the buildings when you walked by with water for people...


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: because they knew all these people were walking from God knows where in the City and urn, we had like our sox put on us because we were all a lot of women we all had sandals on and it was hot out that day. So we all blisters and we had sox, we bought shoes along the way and then we finally found a friend of a friend who lived in Downtown Brooklyn. So we walked to their house um, and we had to wait though for someone's brother to come get us because of traffic.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: So I didn't get home um until dinner time. I remember I was just like a mess…


Tracy: Like with?


Sharon: with this stuff all over me and I think the smell from that day was with me for like weeks.


Tracy: Wow! How do you feel about the government after the attacks?


Sharon: Um, as far as the war and everything going on since then?


Tracy: Just generally because…


Sharon: I mean I think, I think the day that it happened and just kind of watching the news and stuff, I definitely think um, you know the mayor did a fantastic job. Um, and I mean it seems as though the President was, you know um, pretty fast at responding and being there and supporting. We got a lot of support from uh, you know, other cities and states within the country. Um, so I mean in my opinion you know, at that point I think you know the response was good in a time when everyone just needed a little comfort and just some…


Tracy: Right


Sharon: you know, addressing of what was happening. So you know I think they did respond to that quickly. You know as far as the war and everything that's going on, you know, I guess when it was first started it seemed appropriate for everything going on. It definitely seems to the point right now its been a little bit…


Tracy: Right


Sharon: um, I guess exhausted like I just I don't understand the point at, at some sometimes why it’s still going on um. We’re still losing so many military because of this.


Tracy: Right, right.


Sharon: So that's the only you know thing I'm still questionable on with what’s going on now.


Tracy: Right, once again um. Do you think the mayor, governor, president acted appropriately regarding the response to the terror attacks?


Sharon: Um, I mean from what I've seen and from some of the um, uh, biographies I've seen since then, I think they really did a commendable job. I think in the situation that you know, definitely took everyone off guard and with you know the situation on hand I think they did a pretty remarkable job.


Tracy: Do you think the President should have been more aware and able to stop these attacks before they occurred?


Sharon: Um, absolutely. You know uh, I mean it’s easy for us to say but you don't kinda know what goes on behind closed doors. So whether you know, they had any of this type of information or not, you watch all these TV. shows where most of them have all of this intelligence information ahead of time. So it’s definitely scary if he had some information and didn't you know um, press on it sooner. Um, I know there was a lot of say that when Clinton was President there was definitely threats and he kind of disregarded it and you know uh, if, if that's all tied to what had happened, that's definitely scary that it was kind of tossed to the side like that um, especially from Clinton’s side. Um, you know again for President Bush, I mean whatever he was told we don't know I mean I just heard from listening to the news…


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: that it was something Clinton did hear about but it was not taken as seriously because I guess they get so many threats but I think that its, if anything its hopefully taught the government that when your receiving threats you need to take you know all of them more seriously and not you know, choose, choose and pick which ones should be seriously taken and which ones shouldn't.


Tracy: Right, I agree with you.


Sharon: I think the time we are in now; I think all of them are serious.


Tracy: Do you think the government has done enough to prevent future attacks?


Sharon: Um, I hope so, I uh, if they have not a lot of it is visible um, you know I guess knock on wood since that's happened we haven't really had anything. Just some massive threats, but nothing that's happened from the threat um, but you know like they talk about increased security in like the train stations and I have to be you know I, I really think that that's a waste I don't see it. You know whatever they do have there it not as visible and what is visible I just don't see it working. I mean thousands of people that go through in and out of the train stations even the smaller ones verses Grand Central or Penn Station then. You know, you know I really don't know what they decide to choose. You know like they tell you backpacks could be searched you know I wear a backpack every day to work and I've never been stopped and I'm just curious to know what the profiles types are that they stop. It’s kinda scary that you know they’re not there every day and when they are there, you know I don't see them always stopping people and I think like especially the train system it’s very easy to slide by so it’s scary.


Tracy: Right. What do you think about the airport system?


Sharon: Um, I think you know, I've traveled quite a lot since 9/11 um, and I think some airports, not all, but some that I've been through, especially in Florida, have definitely added increased security, like different types of security you have to go through. They actually like check for like um, any types of bombs and things like that. Um, you know I, I,  it’s hard  you know, I don't, it’s sad but I don't know if we'll ever be able to be 100% proof, it’d be nice.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: Um, I don't know if that's realistic.


Tracy: What are your views now regarding the war and the constant threat of terrorists?


Sharon: Urn, well like I said as far as the war, I’m kind of at the point where I think it might have been exhausted already just se ems like it’s gone on too long. And I mean it’s like we're not really getting anywhere to you know, toOsama Bin Laden who was really the start of this whole thing on 9/11 and like he’s still out there so to me it’s like…


Tracy: Right so there's always…


Sharon: what, what’s really this done for us? And what was the other part of the question?


Tracy: The constant threat of terrorism?


Sharon: Um, I think it’s sad but we live in a world right now where that's going to just happen continuously as long as these people are still alive and they just have to take them seriously. I mean I, I on TV now there are a lot of shows that are now around, you know, threats that are hitting not even like the normal police officer type shows but now to the next level of terror threats. And it’s scary, it’s definitely scary and it’s even scarier now that we have TV shows about that.


Tracy: Right, yeah so now people can learn.


Sharon: Yeah but I think that's just the world we’re in. I don't know if having TV shows all the time is the best thing to do. You know cause I don't know if they give any type of intelligence information accurate in there that you know, others can be watching and they know how we work. Um, I think sometimes they put too much on TV, even on the news that sometimes while if you’re trying to keep somebody from you know, coming into our country you’re not doing a good job because their listening and their hearing everything that we're saying. Um, unfortunately I just think with the world we live in that that’s what it’s about with the threats happening and as long as there just threats and nothing’s happens I’m happy!


Tracy: What was the atmosphere like in the Financial District after the first plane hit?  Even though you were in the building?


Sharon: I mean I was in my building still but when I went downstairs um, kinda a combination of chaos but somber um. Chaos because people outside our building were running around, you saw papers flying from wherever the plane hit, you know from that floor, a lot of documents were down on the floor.  Um, we saw people bleeding who might have gotten hit by something laying around um, we’re trying to get into our building. So chaos from the outside and from the inside just, it was not really chaos yet it was kinda, it was almost the calm before the storm.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: We didn't know what to do.


Tracy: How long after September 11th did you return to work?


Sharon: Um, we returned the week after in a different site though for two weeks. Um, which was definitely um, it was rough. It was definitely for the first couple weeks it was definitely rough. We were all uh, having a hard time back at work. We weren't business as usual.  We left early. We just, we kinda had new um, new perspective on life. You know sort of things just came first at that time. We just didn't wanna be stuck in the city all day and just, it was a little different. We were all going through uh, we have counseling in our firm so we were all daily having like these hour meetings just to kinda talk with others in our firm and the counselors just able to get through this.


Tracy: Were you frightened the first day back to work?


Sharon: Oh yeah, and uh, it was a calm completely on the train the whole time when I was going back. I think everyone was just staring at each other, just kinda wondering if anything was going to happen or if this was going to be an okay day.


Tracy: How long did it take for you and your company to conduct business again, regularly?


Sharon: Um, we were really up and running by the next week. Um, and any businesses that were not hit, cause our firm was so large during that week was up and running. Um, we have contingency plans so a lot of the businesses that were affected had back up sites. Some of them were actually starting up right away within the next couple of days. But some areas like ours that am not you know, considered um, as  emergency like, we were able to wait till the following Monday just to kinda get ourselves intact and uh, I mean our main concern was for our, like my particular job, I manage you know times eighty, around eighty interns. So my, my whole week back was really just trying to get in touch with all of them to make sure they were okay.


Tracy: Right. Do you think that there's a possibility of future terrorist attacks?


Sharon: You know, I hope not it’s scary though because you know it’s always in the back of my head. You know I mean, I would like to be optimistic and just hope there aren't um, and you know even realistic would be nice you know to not even think about but there's always a chance. I mean I hope not, but there's always a chance, I think that's just always in the back of people’s minds.


Tracy: Are you um, not that we know, are you nervous?


Sharon: Um.


Tracy: Working in the…


Sharon: In the beginning when all this stuff happened I was and since it’s been a few years it’s  just kinda you know, back to normal. Um, and like I said I just get nervous when they do pin point certain threats especially with the subway um, but other than that, you know, I just kinda. I kinda just try to take every day as it comes and I just go about my normal business.


Tracy: Do you feel more prepared to react now if there is ever another attack?


Sharon: Um, I guess yes and no. I mean I like it’s funny like we all joke around about that day about the hike we had to take into Brooklyn and we were all wearing such you know, the wrong types of shoes and things like that. So it’s like, I try to always to keep my comfortable shoes um, by my desk so if this ever happened again, I’m ready to go.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: Um, like silly things like that. I mean after this had happened our department did pass around emergency kits um. Unfortunately you know, some of the stuff in the kits you know,  it’s helpful but it’s not realistic. Like they give you the mask to just cover your mouth, your nose but if ever we have like a real threat and you know a substance was released that really, your skin’s still showing.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: Uh, you know, so it’s not going to always help you know. So I guess you know, we’re ready in the sense that you know we’ve had fire drills and we go over the stairwells and how to get out of the building um, we do that much more frequently then we use to and things like that.


Tracy: Um, I just wanted to thank you for this time. I’m probably going to be following up with you within the next week or two.


Sharon: Okay.


Tracy: So, thank you.


Sharon: No Problem, thank you.


Tracy: I'm interviewing Sharon once again about the September 11th attacks and this is still tape one, side one. So um, after the September 11, 2001 attacks, did you ever think that you would have a sense of security again living in New York?


Sharon: Um yeah, I think it just took some time. Um, definitely for the first uh couple of months after it happened you know, going on the trains and what not you just start thinking something's going to happen. So I think you know just from the nervousness, everything happened and wondering if it’s going to happen again and so close. Um, just kind of being wary on the trains and what not, for the next couple of months and I, I think you know, after a few months passed you just, you just start to just kind of go back to your normal life. You just kind of realize you know, you can’t live like that. You kind of you know, if something happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't. I mean I know for like the first two months I just, I was depressed a little bit, but I was just also just very like, always looking over my shoulders. Always looking at a specific person on the train kind of wondering if…


Tracy: Right. 


Sharon: that was a person that might be doing something. I mean I even remember there was one incidence where, probably within a month after it happened, there’s this man just kind of made me really nervous. He was, the way he was looking at people. I forgot what kind of bag he was carrying that I actually got off my train and just waited for another train to get on because I was just so nervous. So I mean you know, I had that in my mind for a little while but after a while you just can't live like that but you know like even today, you hear all these things that are happening every now and then but um, I don't know I just kind of put it in the back of my mind and just if something happens it happens.


Tracy: Have you ever thought about moving out of New York?


Sharon: Um, honestly, actually not. I mean we have in the past but not, not anything to do with this. Um, I mean we’re pretty much content in New York and we really don't have any plans of moving out of New York right now um. It’s kind of weird with everything that’s happened we never just really thought about that. I guess also cause you kind of look at it and I mean it not only affected New York. 9/11 affected you know Washington and it also happened with a plane in Pennsylvania and then there was talk about other landmarks within the country. So it’s kind of you know, wherever you go it kind of makes no difference. In the United States overall you know is a target itself. So it just never even came across.


Tracy: Um, which came to the next question but since you already answered it already then we'll move on to the following. The terrorists also attacked Washington so that's another state that would be in imminent danger but don't you think that any state in the U.S. could be a target, which you did?


Sharon: I truly believe that you know, I mean that a lot of states within the country have different landmarks and it’s already been kind of said on the news here and there you hear more about different places.  So that’s why like in my eyes, unless you’re leaving the U.S., any place is a pretty good target.


Tracy: Do you think that the president had enough proof that Iraq had weapons to send our young men to battle?


Sharon: Uh, I don't know. I’m, I don't 100% agree with the whole war in Iraq. I think when it first came about we were all kind of for it. I just feel like it kind of lingered on for too long kind of wondering okay what's the purpose of it .I mean, I mean it’s not even, their targeting like Osama Bin Laden who had to do with the whole attack on 9/11. So just I mean I don't know. I just kinda, so I don't know I just, it’s just been so many years now that they've been having a war going on.  I sometimes wonder you know, why it’s still happening.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: I just, I don't know if there's enough justification you know that all these, all these all these men and women shouldn't be over there risking their lives.


Tracy: So um, do you think the government neglected to act appropriately after the attacks on the World Trade Center in 1993?


Sharon: Oh in ninety-three? Um, God I can't remember that, I can’t remember that much when it happened. I mean know when it did; um, I was working in Downtown Brooklyn at the time when it happened. Um, but I don't know a whole lot that had gone on about it. I think though because it happened back then, I think that they should have taken more precautions um, to the event. That I mean it happened and in you know in uh, 9/11 but I mean maybe there could have been a way to prevent it being that it was already you know someone tried it in ninety-three. Um, that's the only thing I could think of um, so they probably could have done more. I mean really I don't remember specifically what was done after the ninety-three attack but um, I mean apparently there was probably more that could have been done, to try to prevent it because from what I've heard on the news like after ninety-three attacks [inaudible] office there were um, threats and what not and they were pretty um, explicit. So I think that um, more seriousness should have been taken against it.  


Tracy: Right, um. If more had been done to beef up security and to uh, respond to terrorist threats, do you think 9/11 would have not have happened?


Sharon: I'd like to think that. Um, I mean I see how the security has increased in airports and what not here. Although there are some days that I fly and I don't see a whole lot and then there are days that I really do see it. So um, I don't know, I mean the people that do these attacks I feel like that if they want to get it done some how they probably can. I mean a lot of our, a lot of information you know, about what's going on in the country about the uh, the precautions we’re taking are publicized so uh, they know it they hear it I'm sure they see it where they are ...


Tracy: Right, right.


Sharon:  and what's going on so and you know they are pretty smart people so I'm sure they know ways to get around it. Um, but I'd like to think that it wouldn't have happened but who knows. Um, yeah so that's pretty much it for that.


Tracy: Um, I always thought that other countries had to worry about regarding terrorist attacks, apparently the U.S. has just as much fear.


Sharon: Hum.


Tracy: Do you think that a strong country like the U.S. could ever regain the security of being safe again on our soil?


Sharon: Wait, say that again. Do I think…?


Tracy: Um, that a strong country like the U.S. could ever regain the security of being safe on American soil?


Sharon: I think so. I mean even today I feel safe I definitely feel like the government is trying to you know make a difference. I mean we’ve had threats in past years and they’re taking a lot more seriously than they used to be and as soon as there is a threat their very quick on making sure that you know, like I see military and police officers right away in the stations and things like that. So I definitely uh, you know I, I do I feel safe. I don't there's just so much you can…


Tracy: Worry


Sharon: you can’t walk around worrying everyday but I definitely feel that we’re safe, as safe as we can be. Um, you know it’s unfortunate that you know, it’s not just the U.S. There are other countries that have been attacked and what not too.  I don't know how well or how safe others feel in other countries um, cause I know me personally I have no urge to fly out of this country just because of that reason.


Tracy: Right.


Sharon: But um, I feel pretty safe. Like I still fly and you know I'm not as nervous as I used to be.


Tracy: Um, now that they’re starting to rebuild the World Trade Center again, what are your views on it? Do you agree? Do you think it should be more of a memorial?


Sharon: No, I mean I agree. I mean to me it’s kind of life goes on and I know it’s unfortunate probably for those who have actually lost people in there and remains are still somewhere lingering in there but I mean I think it’s more morbid to leave it as a memorial site. It’s just a huge site you know, and um, you know I mean everyone comes down to see Ground Zero and people from out of state come and they leave flowers and what not. I think people could still do that if there are still buildings here. I just, I feel like you know if it’s not rebuilt, you’re gonna always, I mean 9/11 everyone’s gonna always remember um, but I think just leaving that memorial as an empty lot I think it’s just going to keep fresh it in every ones minds and I, I think it’s just you know it needs to be rebuilt.


Tracy: It’s time to move on.


Sharon: Time to move on, yeah.


Tracy: Um, so that's basically concludes and I thank you,


Sharon: Okay.


Tracy: again for meeting with me.


Sharon: Not a problem, you’re welcome.

Pace 9-11 Oral History Project

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