"When the first tower fell, it was as if, you know I have a window here, you couldn't see anything. It was like, I've never been in a volcanic explosion but that’s what it would seem to me like. The sun... I told you it was a brilliant day; you couldn't see the sun anymore." - Dean Lynn Byrne

Journals & Papers

Throughout the course sessions students were required to keep journal entries and to prepare a final paper based on the content of their interviews and their interview experiences.  These course materials are organized by class. For some students enrolled in HIS113P, course participation seemed to provide cathartic expression to pent-up feelings. This was especially true for those who had family and friends affected by 9/11, or, who had direct experience with the disaster themselves.  The journals and final paper presentations gave expression to thoughtful self-reflection and emotions aroused by the students’ own memories and the experiences of their interviewees.




Davidson, Jennifer
Arcuri, Carla
DeSena, Cassie
Bukhari, Farsan
Erdrich, Amara
Casaccio, Theresa
Kerr, Hayley
Deluca, Cristina
Kilcoyne, Mary
Fernandes, Deanna
LaTorre, Elizabeth
Fleischman, Tracy
Lee, Richard
Ioannidis, Constantine
Lorence, Elizabeth
Jaramillo, John
Masiello, Cristina
Johal, Lina
Milazzo, Amanda
Kacou, Joeata
Pfau, Jillian
Lev, Fania
Tucker, Katherine
McCarty, James
Ventura, Teresa
Nabi, Fahadun "Neo"
O'Connell, Tara
Rakhnayev, Katerina
Rassman, Frederick
Roman, Rafael
Saad, Cindy
Shinkareva, Yekaterina